Fri, 26 April 2013
Find out who's in it for themselves this week as Anderson and Bryan run down the TOP 5 CROOKED COPS. Full of the sleaziest and greediest police officers in film, their lists will make you question the law. |
Fri, 19 April 2013
Following up on a former list, this time Anderson and Bryan pay tribute to the foreigners as they run down the TOP 5 FOREIGN ACTORS NEVER NOMINATED FOR AN OSCAR.
Direct download: TFV_20130419_Top_5_Foreign_Actors_Never_Nominated_For_An_Oscar.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 12:31am PDT |
Fri, 12 April 2013
We're dishing out the trash talk this week as Anderson and Bryan run down the TOP 5 MOVIES YOU LOVE BY DIRECTORS YOU HATE. However, both hate the filmmakers on their lists for completely different reasons.
Direct download: 20130412_TFV_Top_5_Movies_You_Love_By_Directors_You_Hate.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 12:30am PDT |
Fri, 5 April 2013
As summer movies arrive earlier each year, so must the SUMMER PREVIEW 2013. Anderson and Bryan run down the films they're anticipating most in the next four months. |